This is our story on trying to start a family, Hoping for a happy ending

Our path to parenthood that lead to IVF/ICSI & a WHOLE lot more

Friday, 9 December 2011

Ovarian Drilling and what other nasties were lurking


17 March 2011

Today I had my surgery, checked in to hospital at 12.30pm and in to theatre at about 3pm. When I was on the table Dr J checks your name and asks some questions for everyone to hear. One question is what are you having done today? I was having so many things done I could not remember all of them & the procedure names so I said "Ovarian drilling and 1 million other things you suggested!' everyone in the room cracked up including Dr J went out to it to the sounds of laughing!

Woke up in recovery about 5.30pm in a fair bit of pain. They did the drilling, looked at which tube was blocked (and found its not anymore.) They found a lot of adhesion's and a lot endometriosis and removed it all. Got home at about 8.30pm tonight, very sore and getting in & out of bed is what hurts the most - damn having to go to the toilet!!

Very glad I had the procedure and hoping & praying it helps with our next cycle, number 5 but who's counting?

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