This is our story on trying to start a family, Hoping for a happy ending

Our path to parenthood that lead to IVF/ICSI & a WHOLE lot more

Monday, 12 December 2011

IVF Round 8 being super positive for this one!


Well as last cycle turned out to be an IUI and we did not have egg pick up etc.. I was able to get started on another round of IVF straight away. It was another antagonist cycle & the jabbing & scanning all went well with no hiccups or delays. Last day of shots was 10 Sept & I'm all booked in for egg pick up on Mon 12 Sept.

This being my 7th egg pick up I think I could do all the pre-admission paperwork blindfolded & I should record all the answers to the pre-op questions so I could just hit play for the numerous times we go through them. On the funny side I always think of Seinfeld & the episode where he complained about all the various waiting rooms at Dr's offices before you actually get to the Dr's office. Well this is what day surgery is like. There is the first waiting room where H can stay with me & we do the initial check in paperwork. Then the volunteer who knows me on sight by now calls my name to take me to waiting room 2. Then a nurse calls your name and its off to waiting room 3 where you do the dreaded yes/no questionnaire & get your wristband (because I'm special and have allergies I actually get 2 wristbands!)


Now you're given your basket of goodies & shown to a bathroom where you get to wrestle with a hospital gown (swear you need a medical degree to do these things up) & pop on your sexy compression stockings & booties.

Then you guessed it! Its off to waiting room 4. One of the scientist's from the clinic comes to see you & have a chat but I know everything there is to know by now so we usually have a little joke & they wish me good luck & hope its the last time I have to do this. Then the anesthetist  calls you to go over half of the questions you have already answered & give you a quick exam & explain the anaesthetic process to you (which is also now pretty quick as they know me too!) Back to waiting room 4 until you are called to walk down to theatre! In keeping with being extra positive this round I played some songs on my iPod whilst waiting that really inspire me. Firework by Katy Perry, Today is your day by Shania Twain & Someday Soon by Natalie Bassingthwaighte.

Finally off to theatre I go & up on the table I hop, your wristband is checked a million times (well it seems that often) & you are asked to state your name as many times as well. The anaesthetist I have today I've had a few times before & the nurses were giving him a hard time, so I told them to be very nice to him as he was the sleep fairy. He roared laughing and said he didn't know about my calling him a fairy & we had a good laugh which left one of the young nurses perplexed. We both had to explain to her the meaning of 'fairy' as she had never heard that term (yep thanks for making me feel old right now!) Dr J rocks up all smiles & super positive & off to the land of nod I go.

Wake up in recovery & from memory we got about 11 eggs again, my favourite part of recovery is finally getting to have some water as that's the hardest part of fasting for me. They won't discharge you from day surgery till you have eaten & been to the bathroom. So always keen to get out of there I eat my yummy sandwiches (NOT) and get them to call H to get me.

Well what can I say but from 13 Sept on the scientists called with fertilisation results & as per usual the number dropped off each call BUT we did make it to day 5 for a transfer of 2 really good looking embryos on 17 Sept that Dr J was very happy with and a few were still hanging in there that the scientist would call us about the following day.


In the spirit of extra positivity I wore my Tori Spelling lucky charms necklace my good friend from the states had sent me & played my own music to help calm me & focus on it, & not the discomfort of transfer. It worked & was the easiest transfer I've had. Now the 2 week wait began & my blood test was scheduled for 30 Sept.

I was very emotional & all over the place during the 2 week wait which is down to the hormones (unfortunately these can be good pregnancy hormones or bad period ones - no way of telling). Mon 26 Sept arrived & that meant I could do a home test & my extra positive thinking had paid off as two magic lines appeared. WOO HOO but must not get too excited due to past history. Curious I repeated the home test on 28 Sept & the 2 magic lines were even darker meaning the HCG level was rising. Then as always the following day some bleeding started, I went for my blood test as planned on 30 Sept & got the call that yes it was positive but the HCG level was low so I was having another early miscarriage.

So its off to see Dr J on 12 Oct for ANOTHER 'failure appointment'. I'm actually at the stage where I'm scared to continue as the pain from a negative result or loss is so horrible I don't know if I can go through it again.

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