This is our story on trying to start a family, Hoping for a happy ending

Our path to parenthood that lead to IVF/ICSI & a WHOLE lot more

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Feeling hot hot hot - a laugh at my expense


If you don't like personal & embarrassing stories - quit reading NOW!!!

All these blog posts are mainly so angst ridden & full of drama I thought I would share a funny (but cautionary tale) and a laugh at my expense!

Poor down south, in the past 2 years she has been poked & prodded with so many things (& not of the fun variety, she doesn't want to have fun, she just wants to be left in peace!)

When I went for my scan on Monday, I got Dr J to do my regular pap for me. This is always something that has been extremely painful & uncomfortable for me. Dr J prepared & went to get a speculum when I was told there were none in the warmer (never knew there was such a thing as a speculum warmer!) I said that OK but Dr J insisted on warming one for me under the tap as we chatted away. Ready, set, go & I braced myself for the pain that comes but this time it was a really weird pain when I suddenly yelped OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW HOT HOT HOT! Dr J whipped that sucker out as quick as could be then all I could do was burst into hysterical laughter.

Dr J was apologising profusely saying it felt alright yet all I could do was laugh & try to spit out that it's always painful but I've never had a burning pain like that before & I was sorry I screamed. In the end both of us were behind the curtain killing ourselves laughing. Anyway when the deed was done it didn't feel half as bad, compared to the first burning hot one.

My poor vay jay jay - hasn't she been through enough with out being seared.

There you go - an embarrassing story I'm sharing here in the hope someone may get a laugh....

Talk about feeling hot, hot, hot......

H did offer to blow on it later, to which I replied it was not a bowl of soup :-)

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