This is our story on trying to start a family, Hoping for a happy ending

Our path to parenthood that lead to IVF/ICSI & a WHOLE lot more

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Ready, Set, GO!

Wed 11 April 2012

Well just a medical post really!!

Rang Dr J yesterday to tell her my donor had started her medication yesterday & what should I do? Dr J sent me off for a blood test ASAP. I hate blood tests because I'm one of those people that only certain, experienced professionals can draw blood from. The rest have a million jabs (well you get the idea) use heat packs and then go between my knuckles or somewhere just as painful!!

We have a pathology place we go to where three of the staff can get blood from me no problem & think I'm an easy patient BUT there have been occasions NONE of them are on & I get someone who can't do it!!  So I drove up yesterday praying that one of the 3 would be there as I wasn't in the mood to be slapped & prodded!! Hallelujah as one of the ladies that can get my vein first go was on & like the other 2 gives a brilliant needle that you can hardly feel it when she says 'Sharp sting coming'.

Had a chat with my gorgeous Angel and she is going well on her medication, just mentioned a bruise on her stomach and I told her that unfortunately comes with it. We (as always) had a great ole chat then Dr J called to say I was right to start my medication. Woo Hoo lets get this party started!! I had my first Synarel nasal spray last night (I forgot how revolting the taste going down the back of your throat is), my first progynova tablet (have never taken these before) & back on the prednisone steroid for my natural killer cells issue.

I forgot I had taken the prednisone when H remarked what a cool night it was last night, I had to disagree as I was covered in a a light sweat and felt warm then I realised - the steroids. This time I'm on half the dose I started with last time (then it will increase once I have my transfer) but I remember last time how for several days I burned up & had the air conditioner & fan on with an ice pack on my head as well. Last night was uncomfortable but the cooler weather does make it a little easier to contend with.

Then going for a blood test so urgently as Dr J sent me for ended up being a big waste of time as AF came late last night/early this morning. A needle I could have got out of!!!

As a follow up on yesterdays post, I asked Dr J's receptionist who I should speak to at the clinic about last weeks disaster. She wanted to know more & told me to email her & she would tell Dr J as Dr J is a clinic director. When Dr J called me that afternoon with my blood results I was told how unimpressed she was and that the scientist who saw H & I is not even qualified to speak to clients so why on earth was she sent in to us? Dr J was going to be following up with the specific department heads & letting them know what happened.

So very excited. My donor will be on her medication for approx 10 - 12 days then egg pick up could be as early as Friday 20 April or sometime shortly there after. Then 5 days after that hopefully I have a little super embryo on board.

Please, please be the ONE.

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